Monday 30 January 2012

Cancer: The Dreaded C Word

Cancer: The Dreaded C Word

The effects of live foods (wheatgrass, and synthetic Vitamin C) on cancer in laboratory mice were studied at the Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine by Dr. Arthur Robinson. The scientists induced skin cancer through exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Their findings were reported in an article that appeared in March, 1984, titled Living Foods and Cancer, The results were spectacular. Living foods [including wheatgrass] alone decreased the incidence and severity of cancer lesions by about 75 percent. This result was better than that of any nutritional program that was tried.

Nobel-prize winner Otto Warburg, M.D., showed that cancer cells thrive in an oxygen-poor environment. He viewed cancer not as a virus, but as a process of cell mutation caused by oxygen deprivation on the cellular level.

Warburg arrived at his discovery more than fifty years ago, yet his theory still stands uncontradicted, while dozens of others are discredited every year.Because wheatgrass juice is oxygen-rich, and up to 70% chlorophyll, it literally adds life to the cells and assists with the creation of healthy blood the chlorophyll molecule resembles the molecule of human blood (hemoglobin).


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