Many people experience fatigue and craving to eat more at this stage. Wheatgrass Powder helps overcome nutrition deficiency and to avoid any side effects. For weight gain, Wheatgrass Powder helps by improving digestion, activating body cells, increasing appetite, improves skin and muscle tone and as an energy booster.
Incase of weight loss / weight gain, the intake of Wheatgrass Powder is the same but the accompanying diet is different as follows:
Weight loss- Diet should contain more of vegetables, soups, sprouts, green salads, fruits, juices, dry fruits, etc. Items such as milk, sweets, ghee, butter, rice, non-veg, alcohol, etc, should be avoided.
Weight gain – Diet should contain more of vegetables, fruits, juices, honey, milk, dry fruits, ghee, porridge, salads, brown rice, soups, Jaggery-sweetened milk at night, etc.,
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