Enzymes, The Miracle Nutrient.

All form of cooking such as boiling, steaming and etc, will destroy the enzymes 100 %. In fact, every time you eat them, you will use the enzymes reserve in your body.

Wheatgrass for Seborrheic Dermatitis

By comparison, wheatgrass somehow stimulates the skin's immunity which may be why it can help overcome the condition by natural means.

Enzyme Therapy in Sinusitis

In 9 clinical studies including 1151 patients with Sinusitis, Enzyme Therapy has proven to be beneficial alone or in combination with antibiotic.

Wheatgrass for Sinusitis

Rebalancing the body is a critical aspect in treating these conditions, and wheatgrass can be a key component of a good detoxification program

Four Reasons Why Wheatgrass Heals Eczema on Face

Make a promise to start taking this in your meals for about 4 weeks. After that period of time you should see a complete difference in your eczema skin.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Enzyme Therapy in Sinusitis

Oral therapy with Proteolytic enzymes is used to reduce swelling, edema, inflammations, relive pain and help break up the mucus. Additionally, enzyme therapy influences the immune system by reducing cytokine overproduction.

In 9 clinical studies including 1151 patients with Sinusitis, Enzyme Therapy has proven to be beneficial alone or in combination with antibiotic.
In a retrolective study, including 797 patients, it is demonstrated that a higher number of patients treated with Enzyme therapy are without complain than when treated with Diclofenac or Ibuprofen (Conrad 2000)

The treatment of sinusitis with enzymes was first described by Sasaki 1965 and Yamasaki 1965. Calabria 1966 treated 13 patients with an enzyme-antibiotic combination (trypsin, chymotrypsin, cloranphenicol, streptomycin) and compared them with antibiotic treated patients. The authors described a lesser number of punctures necessary in the oral enzyme treated patients. When chronic sinusitis was classified in 4 different types of affection, it was found that types 1 and 2 were highly responsive to the treatment of enzymes, but in types 3 and 4 this treatment was ineffective in topical use (Ota 1966).

Saporiti 1966 published a successful therapy with alpha chymotrypsin (Chymoser) as local instillation by puncture of the maxillary sinus in patients with purulent chronic maxillary sinusitis.

Kaneko 1967 treated children with paranasal sinusitis successful with enzymes. In a study of patients with chronic sinusitis, Kagitomi 1972 published that ananase (bromelain) in combination with antibiotics was effective, whereas ananase used alone showed very little effect. In a double-blind clinical evaluation of bromelain in the treatment of acute sinusitis the author (Ryan 1967) described that mucosal inflammation was reduced in 83% of those receiving bromelain as compared to only 52% of those receiving placebo. Breathing difficulty was relieved in 78% of patients on bromelain therapy and in 68% of patients on placebo. In summary, good to excellent results were observed in approximately 87% of patients receiving bromelain compared to 68% of those on placebo. Seltzer 1967 comes to about the same results. In a double blind, placebo-controlled study, 49 patients with sinusitis received either bromelain or placebo, in addition to antibiotics. Good to excellent response was demonstrated in 80% of those receiving bromelain as compared to 50% of those on placebo. Complete relief of nasal mucosal edema and inflammation, nasal discomfort, breathing difficulties, headache and pain were evident in a higher percentage of patients on bromelain. The mean standard treatment time required for a therapeutic response was 10 days for those receiving bromelain in contrast to 16 days for those receiving placebo. S. Hine 1966 employed bromelain in treatment of non-operative cases of chronic rhino-sinusitis and described the affectivity as 64%.

Alpha-chymotrypsin was administered oral or by local instillation in patients with paranasal sinusitis. The authors (Sakakura 1966) observed effectiveness in 70% of the patients.

Keller and Maurer 1967 investigated the effect of a new enzyme preparation composed of Lysozym, Papain and Bactricin (LysopainEnzyme Therapy) as sublingual tablets. This preparation was very effective in different inflammations like Laryngitis, c, herpes zoster etc. The authors observed also a benefit in sinusitis in 6 of 11 patients.

In the same year, Taub 1967 published his results with enzyme therapy in a higher number of patients with acute or chronic sinusitis. He treated in a placebo controlled study 59 (30 / 29) patients with bromelain in conjunction with antibiotics. Symptoms and signs of nasal mucosal inflammation and edemas as well as those of breathing difficulties and nasal discharge were improved in a majority of the patients receiving the enzyme + antibiotic medication as compared to a minority of the 30 patients receiving placebo. No side effects were reported. A new enzyme preparation Sfericase is proposed 1983 by Yoshida. Sfericase, produced by a strain of Bacillus sphaericus, has been proven to be effective in some chronic inflammations, such as chronic sinusitis and difficult expectoration associated with bronchopulmonary diseases. Miyoshi 1984 published results with this preparation (orally Sfericase) on 40 patients with chronic sinusitis. After 4 weeks of treatment, a reduction of subjective symptoms for postnasal rhinorrhea of 81.6%, 66.7% for rhinorrhea, and 46.6% for nasal obstruction was observed. However, with respect to objective symptoms, the efficacy rate was 28.9% for redness and 30.8% for swelling of the nasal mucosa, with a somewhat lower rate than that obtained for subjective symptoms. According to the patients’ and physicians’ global assessments, Sfericase was effective in 65 and 57.5% of the cases. None of the patients showed undesirable reactions to sfericase.

Serratopeptidase, a proteolytic enzyme was investigated for the influence on the elasticity and viscosity of the nasal mucus in adult patients with chronic sinusitis. After 4 weeks treatment Serratopeptidase reduced the viscosity but not the elasticity of the nasal mucus. These findings are discussed in relation to mucociliary clearance (Majima 1988).

Wohlrab 1993 published the results from a prospective, randomized, double blind study with 40 patients suffering of sinusitis acuta. The patients were treated with a combination of different enzymes or Diclofenac. After 2 weeks there was no difference in sum-score as well as single score (headache, toothache and edema). But after 2 weeks, the side effects of Diclofenac therapy increase, whereas the side effects of Enzyme Therapy were negligible. The numbers of recidivist was smaller in the enzyme treated group.

Meletis 2000 as well as Maurer 2001 included in their publications the beneficial effect of bromelain for the treatment of sinusitis.

Summarizing, in 11 clinical studies (one of them is retrolective) including 1161 patients it is demonstrated that Enzyme therapy alone (early stages) or in combination with antibiotics (later stages) reduce healing time for more that 20%, reduce recidivists and has practically no side effect.

Wheatgrass for Sinusitis

Wheatgrass for Sinusitis : Wheatgrass juice benefits the blood cells, bones, glands, hair, kidneys, liver, muscles, spleen, teeth and other body parts. It can be applied to the skin or scalp and I often use it as a rectal implant via an enema to cleanse the large intestine. It can be used to cleanse eyes, gums, sinuses and teeth.

In the American Journal of Surgery, 1940, Benjamin Gruskin, M.D. recommends chlorophyll for its antiseptic benefits. The article suggests the following clinical uses for chlorophyll to clear up foul smelling odours, neutralise strep infections, heal wounds, hasten skin grafting, cure chronic sinusitis, overcome chronic inner-ear inflammation and infection, reduce varicose veins and heal leg ulcers, eliminate impetigo and other scabby eruptions, heal rectal sores, successfully treat inflammation of the uterine cervix, get rid of parasitic vaginal infections, reduce typhoid fever, and cure advanced pyorrhoea in many cases.

Proponents of wheatgrass swear by its ability to help treat numerous diseases and ailments such as high blood pressure, tooth decay, eczema, psoriasis, arthritis, sinusitis, and to stall (and even reverse) signs of aging. Robert Ivker, D.O., the Denver-based author of Sinus Survival (Tarcher, 2000; also see sinussurvival.com), often recommends wheatgrass to his patients. "Some 125 million Americans--over 40 percent of the population--are suffering from chronic conditions," says Ivker, cofounder and former president of the American Board of Holistic Medicine. "Rebalancing the body is a critical aspect in treating these conditions, and wheatgrass can be a key component of a good detoxification program."

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Four Reasons Why Wheatgrass Heals Eczema on Face

Let’s get straight to the point. You want to get rid of that unsightly eczema that covers your face either in patches or in just one particular area. It does not matter where it’s on your face. You just want to get rid of it. Well a very good place to start is by taking some wheatgrass every single day.

Make a promise to start taking this in your meals for about 4 weeks. After that period of time you should see a complete difference in your eczema skin.

Wheatgrass is a very powerful food. It contains chlorophyll which can be said to be the blood of most plants. In humans the blood is made from hemoglobin. The only difference between the 2 is that chlorophyll’s central atom is magnesium and in our blood, the central atom is iron. Grass is eaten by cows and horses as you know. When they’re ill or have an upset stomach animals tend to eat grass in the fields because of the healing and curing powers it contains.

Us humans are the only beings that are unaware of the powerful and curing factors of wheatgrass. If you want to give your eczema a head start in being cleared and healed, start to include wheatgrass in your diet.

Other reasons to include wheatgrass in your diet include:

Wheatgrass contains powerful agents that heal disease and eliminates illnesses. Wheatgrass is completely absorbed by the blood stream within moments of consumption. This means surplus energy can be used for other bodily functions such as repair and replenishment.

The Chlorophyll in wheatgrass stimulates the important production of red blood cells in the hemoglobin. This ensures the body carries plenty of oxygen. Within four to five days of use Chlorophyll can return your blood cell count back to normal.

Wheatgrass is a complete food. Therefore no need for junk or processed foods which cause harm to eczema skin

This is excellent for the colon as it contains fiber and helps with detoxification.

( source:eczemaitchyskinrash.com  Foto credit: eczemaonskin.com)

For further information about the benefits of wheatgrass, please visit:


Wheatgrass for Seborrheic Dermatitis

In a word, yes wheatgrass can work very well for seborrheic dermatitis. I would recommend applying a little wheatgrass spray to the affected area(s) twice daily.

A particular type of yeast, Malassezia, may be linked to seb derm via immune suppression, but a direct causal link has not been proven. Hormonal changes may also be a factor. There are also some medical conditions and medications associated with the condition.

Because of the immune nature of seb derm, I don't prescribe anti-fungals as they, like steroid creams, can further suppress the skin's immune status. By comparison, wheatgrass somehow stimulates the skin's immunity which may be why it can help overcome the condition by natural means.

--- by Dr. Chris Reynolds from http://drwheatgrass.com.au
    Foto credit: dermatlas.med.jhmi.edu

FYI what is Seborrheic Dermatitis?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Seborrhoeic dermatitis (also seborrheic dermatitis AmE, seborrhea, informally seb derm) (also known as "seborrheic eczema"[1]) is an inflammatory[2] skin disorder affecting the scalp, face, and torso. Typically, seborrheic dermatitis presents with scaly, flaky, itchy, and red skin. It particularly affects the sebaceous-gland-rich areas of skin. In adolescents and adults, seborrhoeic dermatitis usually presents as scalp scaling (dandruff) or as mild to marked erythema of the nasolabial fold.

For further information about the benefits of wheatgrass, please visit:


Monday, 6 February 2012

Enzymes, The Miracle Nutrient.

They are energized protein molecules and responsible for all biological activities going in our 60 trillion cells and are essential for every chemical reaction which takes place in our body. From digesting the food that we eat and unlocking the nutrient to activating our immune system and producing energy in our body.

Without them, all nutrients including vitamins, minerals and trace minerals cannot be utilized properly. A person who are deficient are prone to a myriad of health problem and accelerated age. Many will suffering chronic ailments, such as arthritis, diabetes, allergies, skin diseases, cancer and immune deficiencies and all this were cause by low enzyme levels.

You can find enzymes in a raw food, but they are more heat sensitive than the vitamins, and are destroyed when heated more than 50 degree Celsius or 122 Fahrenheit. All form of cooking such as boiling, steaming and etc, will destroy the enzymes 100 %. In fact, every time you eat them, you will use the enzymes reserve in your body. This will cause a burden to the body, when energy can be conserved for repairing our body.

Each individual is born with an "enzymes bank" or "enzymes potential", and when started to get low, we will have a health breakdown. Each time you eat you are making the enzymes to run out as digestive enzymes are being used to digest food. While eating enzymes rich raw foods is good, it still doesn't count as a "deposit" but it will only "offset" with the one used to digest them. We also lose enzymes during sweat and body waste. If you'd like to improve your health or increase your lifespan you should take more enzymes supplements.

There are various types of enzyme- digestive, metabolic and food enzyme. Each of it has a specific function. For example, amylase breaks down carbohydrates, lipase fat and protease protein. Some such like SOD function as a potent antioxidant and involved in energy production. Others enzyme such as bromelain and papain are proteolytic enzyme with anti-inflammatory properties.

Each fruit and vegetables has a unique enzyme. The best form of enzyme supplement should have multitude of source. Digestive enzyme usually contain isolated enzyme such as amylase, protease or lipase. Better get enzymes from whole food source and multiple fruits and vegetables so you can receive a wider spectrum of enzymes.

Fresh raw fruit and vegetables are rich in enzymes but it's hard to eat enough variety to get a full spectrum of enzymes and nutrient. But nutrient can be preserved through fermentation by using specific healthful microorganisms. It will increase the level of enzyme and produce more nutrients (vitamins, minerals, trace minerals and phytonutrients) and will be more bio-available to the body.

The function of your immune system is to fight off all foreign invaders inside our body such as bacteria, viruses, carcinogens and other chemical. When our body is forced to work overtime to produce digestive enzymes, it will have a dire effect on our immune function.

Your immune system demands a constant supply of enzymes, especially amylase and protease. Amylase is found in the macrophages, the white blood cell that actively seeks out and destroys diseases that causing microorganisms and toxins.Protease or proteolytic enzymes break down undigested proteins, cellular debris and toxin in the blood. Also help reduce blood levels of immune complexes that could otherwise active the immune system to attack the tissue of our body.

As we know, we all have cancer cell at any given time. But, we have specialized immune cell such as NK cells (natural killer cells) and macrophages (white blood cell) that will kill and destroy these cancer cell before they can cause any serious damage.

However, scientists have found that some cancer cells hide under a protein covering to avoid detection. NK cells and macrophages unable to kill them, allowing cancer cells to attach themselves to an organ and spread faster than before.

Enzymes dissolve this protein covering. Once it removed. NK cells and macrophages can effectively kill these cancer cells. It also have been reported that enzymes will increase the action of macrophages by 700% and NK cells by 1,300% in a short period. Enzymes play a good role in prevention of cancer cells.

Today, medical specialist used enzymes for treating arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome and backaches. Many athletes are given daily enzymes to accelerate recovery from surgery, injuries and intense exercise. Enzymes will dissolve fibrin which prevents the scar tissue build up, which can cause restriction in an injured area. Proteolytic enzymes (bromelain type) reduce the body's production of "negative" prostaglandins (PGE2) that cause pain/inflammation. These enzymes also absorb amino acids to repair afflicted joints.

If you suffer from chronic physical conditions such as tunnel syndrome, tennis elcow, sciatica, strain tendon or old injuries (whiplash, stiff neck or disk problems) enzymes can offer relief. My Advice rather than used painkiller try enzymes to ease your problem.

One common cause of hardening and clogging of blood vessels is the accumulation of protein and cholesterol plaque. This plaque can become dislodge and travel to smaller vessels where it can cause heart attack or stroke.

Lipase is an enzyme that breaks down fat and removes fat from storage. Less lipase means the fat stagnates and accumulates in the arteries and increasing risk of heart diseases and high blood pressure. Lipase can help lower LDL "bad" cholesterol and triglycerides levels. Proteolytic enzymes, on other hand, are a great natural blood thinner.'

source: By:

How Enzymes Perform: An explanation for layman

Enzymes: everyone seems to love talking about them but not everyone can explain what they are. As enzyme therapy becomes an increasingly popular choice for treating health problems ranging from cancer and MS to nervous disorders and nightmares (how cool is that?), more people are not only wondering whats behind this new enzyme craze.

But what enzymes actually are in the first place.

If you think this is another scientific article that lists a bunch of mumbo-jumbo on enzymes, youre in luck: you dont need a Ph.D. in Biochemistry to read this article. In fact, once youre done reading it, we recommend that you go out and impress your friends with your extensive new knowledge on enzymes and enzyme therapy.

So what exactly are enzymes and how do they work? The scientific definition of an enzyme is a protein that helps speed up chemical processes within the body. Think of your body as a chemistry lab at any given moment, theres a number of chemical reactions occurring to help your body properly function. Enzymes hold the key to causing these chemical reactions to occur, as they provide the catalyst that stimulates the action.

Now that you know that enzymes provide the stimulus for chemical reactions, lets take a look at how that happens. Lets pretend that an enzyme is a matchmaker that wants to fix up two friends the reactants (otherwise known as substrates). The matchmaker knows that in order for the two to meet up and connect, he has to provide them with a place to meet. That place is known as the active site, and it can be found directly on the enzyme. When the enzyme approaches the specific reactants, it binds them to its active site so they can start bonding.

In matchmaking terms, its like getting two people to meet up at a restaurant so they can start connecting. Once the substrates have arrived at the enzymes active site (or restaurant), the enzyme provides these molecules with the push they need to start bonding. This push encourages a bond to form, which permanently links the substrates so that they form an entirely new product altogether. Finally, the enzyme releases the new product, thus allowing itself to seek out new substrates.

In short, the enzyme matchmaker saw two substrates that were perfect for each other, introduced them at its restaurant, gave them a little push to start bonding, and released them back out into the world as a newly formed couple.

Not all enzymes form beneficial chemical reactions within the body; in fact, enzymes are particularly susceptible to acidic pH levels. Thanks to the excessive number of free radicals were constantly exposed to, our enzymes are kept busy neutralizing the free radicals that enter the body. For example, supereoxides dismutase are enzymes that are specifically designed to attack free radicals; once the free radicals have been neutralized, the new product thats released from the neutralization process is hydrogen peroxide. While you might think this is a relatively harmless product, excess levels of hydrogen peroxide has been linked to a number of side effects, including the early formation of gray hair.

If you want to keep premature graying away for a few more decades, then get ready to meet your new best enzyme friends: catalase and gluthione peroxidase. These helpful little enzymes enjoy turning hydrogen peroxide into nothing more than water and hydrogen and theyre good at it too. In fact, scientists have shown that one catalase molecule can convert over 40 million hydrogen peroxide molecules in just one second.

For those of us who want to keep gray hair at bay in addition to a wide assortment of diseases and ailments enzyme therapy can help keep our bodies healthy and strong. Many ailments are the direct result of enzyme, vitamin and mineral deficiencies; yet with a steady enzyme therapy regimen, many sufferers often report feeling revived and much healthier. Several case studies support the effectiveness of enzyme therapy; from constant fatigue to nighttime seizures, enzyme therapy has provided a comprehensive solution for many individuals who were failed by prescription medications.

From stopping gray hair formation to sustaining high energy levels, enzyme therapy is a recent scientific breakthrough that shouldnt be ignored. So when your girlfriend starts to complain about finding a gray hair, tell her that she needs more catalase in her body. Shell definitely think youre the next Albert Einstein.

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Digestive Enzyme Therapy cure illnesses

If you are looking for new alternative medications to a lot of illnesses then this article is just right for you.

Digestive enzymes are needed in order for us to be alive. This is the first reason why we should have digestive enzyme therapy. Digestive enzymes purify our blood, cleanse the colon, maintain proper cholesterol levels and peak energy levels. Food enzymes such as digestive enzymes are not entirely new. They have already been known to exist since the time of Hippocrates. It has also been long recognized that a lot of illnesses are related to improper diet and poor nutrition. This means that the " you are what you eat" thing was already known.

Digestive enzymes naturally protect us from illnesses. This is the second reason why we should have digestive enzyme therapy. Digestive enzymes have a great effect on our entire immune function. Digestive enzymes that are contained in white blood cells such as lipase, protease, amylase, alkaline phospatase and peptidase are part of the pancreatic juices and they all increase immune function.

Digestive enzymes are used to treat various illnesses too. This is the third reason why we should have digestive enzyme therapy.

Digestive enzymes are also essential if you want to achieve and maintain healthy skin. This is the fourth reason. Digestive enzymes help improve skin, hair and nails by increasing the blood supply to the skin and body. Then better digestion also improves circulation, and circulation helps bring the right nutrients to the skin as well as clean the waste products that make skin dull and wrinkled.

And the last reason, digestive enzymes is used to treat obesity and overweight. Digestive enzymes like lipase breaks down and dissolves the fat that is stored in our bodies and transforms them into energy. Without lipase, fat accumulates and is stored in arteries, organs and capillaries.

Protease also breaks down proteins and eliminates toxins. If your body has too much toxins, your body also stores excess fat. That is why protease's function is important in losing fat.